Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Nantucket Rose by Lavender & Lace

Nantucket Rose by Lavender & Lace has always given me the feeling of Anne of Avonlea, where she's sitting on the shore at the beginning of the second movie writing her novel.  Therefore, when I started to stitch the blond hair that is charted for this piece, it just didn't feel right to me.  I went about converting her hair to be a "very handsome auburn", and now it looks perfect!  Here is the original design, which can be found here: https://www.123stitch.com/item/Lavender-and-Lace-Nantucket-Rose-Cross-Stitch-Pattern/5004.
Image result for nantucket rose cross stitch

And here is my hair conversion:

DMC 3827
DMC 977
DMC 976
DMC 301
A blend of DMC 300 & DMC 301
DMC 300


  1. I absolutely love your conversion! Thank you so much for sharing. I too wanted this to be Anne so googled color conversions and found your post. Would live to see more photos! ❤ Shari Witt

  2. Beautiful conversion! Thanks so much for sharing this!!
